Form Follows Function on SPaMCast 361


This week’s episode of Tom Cagley’s Software Process and Measurement (SPaMCast) podcast features Tom’s essay on software measurement and a Form Follows Function installment on the need for thought and intentionality in architectural design.

In SPaMCast 361, Tom and I discuss my post “Who Needs Architects? Because YAGNI Doesn’t Scale”.

“Laziness as a Virtue in Software Architecture” on Iasa Global

Laziness may be one of the Seven Deadly Sins, but it can be a virtue in software development. As Matt Osbun observed:

Robert Heinlein noted the benefits of laziness:

See the full post on the Iasa Global Site (a re-post, originally published here).

Don’t Teach Coding

Before the pitchforks and torches come out, allow me to clarify – don’t just teach coding.

Jeff Susna and Mark M captured the essence of what I’m talking about:

The article Mark M referenced, “Is coding the new literacy?”, had this to say:

So you might be forgiven for thinking that learning code is a short, breezy ride to a lush startup job with a foosball table and free kombucha, especially given all the hype about billion-dollar companies launched by self-taught wunderkinds (with nary a mention of the private tutors and coding camps that helped some of them get there). The truth is, code—if what we’re talking about is the chops you’d need to qualify for a programmer job—is hard, and lots of people would find those jobs tedious and boring.

But let’s back up a step: What if learning to code weren’t actually the most important thing? It turns out that rather than increasing the number of kids who can crank out thousands of lines of JavaScript, we first need to boost the number who understand what code can do. As the cities that have hosted Code for America teams will tell you, the greatest contribution the young programmers bring isn’t the software they write. It’s the way they think. It’s a principle called “computational thinking,” and knowing all of the Java syntax in the world won’t help if you can’t think of good ways to apply it.

Whether you call it computational thinking or computer literacy, understanding the high-level basics of the technology is what is useful. Conflating the ability to create Hello World in JavaScript with that understanding is both simplistic and counter-productive. Chris Granger, in “Coding is not the new literacy”, observed:

Being literate isn’t simply a matter of being able to put words on the page, it’s solidifying our thoughts such that they can be written. Interpreting and applying someone else’s thoughts is the equivalent for reading. We call these composition and comprehension. And they are what literacy really is.

Languages come and go. Technologies evolve. Concentrating exclusively on specific languages and technologies risks creating future obsolescence. The underlying concepts that must be understood to effectively use them, however, have longer lives. It’s the 21st century equivalent of the difference between giving someone a fish and teaching them to fish. Erik Dietrich in “Don’t Learn to Code — Learn to Automate” points out the broader utility of computer literacy:

It’s obtuse to suppose that a prerequisite for every job in the future will be the ability to implement sophisticated, specialized computer applications. But it’s not at all obtuse to suppose that, given the ubiquity of computing, a prerequisite for every job in the future will be the ability to recognize which tasks are better suited for humans and which for computers. Learn at least to recognize which parts of your job are a poor use of your time. After that, perhaps learn to use your ingenuity and creativity to automate using the tools that you know (such as googling for solutions, leveraging apps, etc). And, if you’ve come that far, maybe it’s time to roll up your sleeves and take the plunge into learning to code a little bit to help you along.

The need for greater numbers of people with computer literacy is real, as is the need for greater diversity within the ranks of those who work with technology. It serves no one to misrepresent the skills needed or the nature of those skills. People who know how to google for code but lack the ability to understand and evaluate what they get back are no better off than if they had never seen a computer. We owe them, and ourselves, better.

Who Needs Architects? Well, Nobody Needs this Kind

The question above came up while recording SPaMCast 357 with Tom Cagley, and it’s an extremely important one. The post we were discussing, “Who Needs Architects? Because YAGNI Doesn’t Scale”, is one of many discussing the need for architectural design in software development. While I’m firmly convinced that the need is real, it should also be realized that there is a real danger in unilaterally imposing the design on a team.

Tom’s question about an “aristocracy of architects” was taken from his post “Re-Read Saturday: The Mythical Man-Month, Part 4 Aristocracy, Democracy and System Design”, part of a series in which he is reviewing Frederick Brooks’ The Mythical Man-Month. In the essay reviewed in this post, “Aristocracy, Democracy and System Design”, Brooks discussed the importance and value of conceptual integrity (i.e. a cohesive, unified design) to software systems. While I agree wholeheartedly that both architectural design and someone (or more than one someone) responsible for that design is necessary, I disagree that establishing an aristocracy is beneficial or even necessary. In fact, the portion labeled “Reality” on the graphic in Kelly Abuelsaad‘s tweet below, although talking about imposter syndrome, also illustrates why dictating design can be a bad idea.

One can certainly influence, even control the architecture of a system via a mandate. The problem with being given control is that no one can give effectiveness to go with it. As such, it’s brittle, subject to the limitations of the person given the authority and the compliance of those implementing the system. This brittleness exists even when the architect stays within their level of detail. Combining a dictatorial style with Big Design Up Front all but ensures failure.

In my experience, a participative, collaborative style of design yields better designs. In addition to benefiting from a variety of skills and experience, it also engenders greater understanding and ownership across the team. Arrogance, on the other hand, can be costly.

I firmly believe that a product will benefit from having someone whose focus is the cross-cutting, architecturally significant concerns. I also believe that part of that job is teaching and mentoring as well as listening to the rest of the team so that architectural awareness permeates the entire team. There are many aspects to being an architect, but being a dictator should not be one of them.

Updated 4/8/2016 to fix a broken link.