Fixing IT – Microservices and DevOps to the Rescue?

Eberhard Wolff‘s question set the stage.

Adrian CockCroft‘s reply tied everything together.

Conway’s Law is the common thread tying microservice architectures (MSAs) and DevOps together. Significantly, this common thread runs through the entire organization, not just the IT parts. As I noted in my previous post, paying attention to this principle allows you to work with, rather than against, the grain of an organization. Working with the grain of the organization is key, because DevOps, lovely as it is, is not an end, but a means. The desired end, as identified by Mike Kavis in “Is DevOps What Organizations Really Seek?” is to “become high-performing organizations”.

Of all the attributes of such an organization (as identified by Kavis): “Strong Leadership”, “Strong Culture”, “Sound Architecture”, etc., the most important is “High Customer Satisfaction”. For many organizations, high customer satisfaction is a problem area for IT. In a recent article on Business Insider, Red Hat’s CEO Jim Whitehurst noted an increased interest in DevOps on the part of CIOs to deal with what he terms IT’s “fight for its life”:

That’s because IT departments say they had better figure out how to be faster, cheaper, and better. If they don’t, the company’s employees will no longer depend on them. They bring their own PCs, tablets and phones to work and they buy whatever cloud services they want to do their jobs. And the CIO will find his budget increasingly shifted to other manager’s pockets.

IT has has a history of cycles of neglect or rejection of new/disruptive technologies followed by catch-up crises: PCs in the 80s, Web in the 90s, BYOD/Cloud/IOT/etc. now. What’s different this time is the increasing level of technical knowledge and access to solutions outside of IT. As Krishnan Subramanian has noted, playing catch-up may become less and less viable:

MSAs enable flexible applications via composing vertical slices of business functionality rather than horizontal layers of technical concerns. These same principles can apply to higher levels of abstraction up to the enterprise’s IT architecture. Likewise, DevOps incorporates the same viewpoint shift in terms of the IT organization. This architectural change (both technical and business) can allow for integration between IT and the business it enables. As Twila Day recently noted, this integration goes far beyond mere alignment into “active partnership between IT and your business units”:

Partnership means working together, side by side. It means that technology leaders are actively involved in strategic development at the highest levels of your organization. It means that all the way up and down your organization, any talented person can propose an innovative idea, tactic or strategy, regardless of where s/he works. The business might have an idea first, or IT might have it first. No matter. What’s important is that the two groups work side by side to accomplish the most important business objectives.

Transforming IT from an adversary into a partner is primarily a cultural shift that involves both parties if it’s to be successful. Organizational and technical architecture cannot be neglected, however, in that they can either help or hinder that transformation. DevOps can facilitate this via its focus on the product rather than any one project (which is a concern shared by the customers) and by having the flexibility to tailor its pace to that of the customer rather than forcing a one size fits all (aka one size fits none).

Microservices, SOA, and EITA: Where To Draw the Line? Why to Draw the Line?

Surveying and drafting instruments and examples

In my part of the world, it’s not uncommon for people to say that someone wouldn’t recognize something if it “bit them in the [rude rump reference]”. For many organizations, that seems to be the explanation for the state of their enterprise IT architecture. For while we might claim to understand terms like “design”, “encapsulation”, and “separation of concerns”, the facts on the ground fail to show it. Just as software systems can degenerate into a “Big Ball of Mud”, so too can the systems of systems comprising our enterprise IT architectures. If we look at organizations as the systems they are, it should be obvious that this same entropy can infect the organization as well.

One symptom of this entropy is when the dividing lines blur, weakening or even removing constraints. While the term “constraint” commonly has a negative connotation, constraints provide the structure and definition of a system. Separation of concerns, encapsulation, and DRY are all constraints that are intended to provide benefit. We accept limits on concerns addressed, accessibility of internals and/or instances of code or data in order to reduce complexity, not just check off a philosophical box. If we remove or even just relax these types of constraints too much, we incur risk.

This blurring of lines can occur at any level and on multiple levels. Additionally, architectural weakness at a higher level of abstraction can negate strengths at lower levels. A collection of well-designed systems will not ensure a coherent enterprise IT architecture if there is overlap and redundancy without a clear understanding of which ones are authoritative. Accidental architecture is no more likely to work at higher levels of abstraction than lower ones.

Architectural design, at each level of granularity, should be intentional and appropriate to that level. The ideal, is not to over-regulate, but to strike a balance. Micromanaging internals wastes effort better spent on something beneficial; abdicating design responsibility practically guarantees chaos. An additional consideration is the fit between the human and technological aspects. Conway’s law is more than just an observation, it can be used as a tool to align applications to a specific business concern as well as aligning development teams to specific applications/application components.

Just as a carver takes note of the grain of the wood being shaped, so should an architect work with rather than against the grain of the organization.

Jessica Kerr’s post, “Microservices, Microbusinesses”, captures these concepts from the viewpoint of microservice architectures. Partitioning application concerns into microservices allows for internal flexibility at the cost of external conformance to necessary governance. As Kerr puts it, “…everybody is a responsible adult”:

That’s a lot of overhead and glue code. Every service has to do translation from input to its internal format, and then to whatever output format someone else requires. Error handling, caching or throttling, failover and load balancing and monitoring, contract testing, maintaining multiple interface versions, database interaction details. Most of the code is glue, layers of glue protecting a small core of business logic. These strong boundaries allow healthy relationships with other services, including new interactions that weren’t designed into the architecture from the beginning. For all this work, we get freedom on the inside.

Kerr also recognizes the applicability of this trade-off to the architecture of the organization:

Still, a team exists as a citizen inside a larger organization. There are interfaces to fulfill. Management really does need to know about progress. Outward collaboration is essential. We can do this the same way our code does: with glue. Glue made of people. One team member, taking the responsibility of translating cards on the wall into JIRA, can free the team to optimize communication while filling management’s strongest needs.

Management defines an API. Encapsulate the inner workings of the team, and expose an interface that makes sense outside. By all means, provide a reference implementation: “Other teams use Target Process to track work.” Have default recommendations: “We use Clojure here unless there’s some better solution. SQL Server is our first choice database for these reasons.” Give teams a strong process and technology stack to start from, and let them innovate from there.

“Good fences make good neighbors” not by keeping out, but by channeling traffic into commonly understood and commonly accepted directions. We recognize lines so as to influence those aspects we truly need to influence. More importantly, we recognize lines to prevent needless conflict and waste. The key is to draw the lines so that they work for us, not against us.

Wait, did I just say Knuth was wrong?

Surprised Women

In “Microservice Mistakes – Complexity as a Service”, I argued that the fine-grained nature of microservices opened up the risk of pushing complexity out to the consumers of those services. Rather than encapsulating details, microservice architectures expose them, forcing clients to know more about the internals than is common in both object-oriented and SOA traditions. In the comments, it was suggested that granularity was irrelevant as multiple granular microservices could be composed to form a coarser-grained microservice that would provide a more appropriate level of abstraction. My response was that while this is theoretically true, aggregating service calls in that manner risks issues due to network latency. This drew a response quoting Donald Knuth: “Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”

Okay, in my rebuttal I did say that Knuth was wrong about this when it came to distributed systems. A better response would have been to point out that Knuth’s quote did not apply. Far from being an optimization, taking latency (as well as other network characteristics) into consideration is just basic design. Meeting a certain time to complete for in-process calls affects quality of service, making efforts to reduce that time optimizations. Meeting a certain time to complete for remote calls affects function. Achieving a functional state is not an optimization.

Location agnostic components, code that “just works” whether in-process, out of process, or over the wire, has been a Holy Grail since the days of DCOM and CORBA. The laws of physics, however, just won’t be denied. Services are not JARs and DLLs. Changing components that were designed to run in-process into ones capable of running remotely will almost certainly involve major re-work, not a little optimization.

Form Follows Function on SPaMCAST 327


It’s time for another appearance on Tom Cagley’s Software Process and Measurement (SPaMCast) podcast.

SPaMCast 327 features Tom on standups, a discussion of my “Who Needs Architects? – Navigating the Fractals” post and an installment of Jo Ann Sweeny’s column, “Explaining Communication”.
