Are Microservices the Next Big Thing?


The question popped up in a LinkedIn discussion of my last post:

“A question for you, are microservices the next big thing?”

It was a refreshing change of pace to actually be asked about my opinion rather than be told what it is. The backlash against microservices is such that, anything less that outright condemnation is seen as “touting” the latest fad (this in spite of having authored posts such as “Microservice Architectures aren’t for Everyone”, “Microservice Mistakes – Complexity as a Service”, and “Microservices – The Too Good to be True Parts”). Reflex reactions like this will most likely be so simplistic as to be useless, regardless of whether pro or con.

Architectural design is about making decisions. Good design, in my opinion, is about making decisions justified by the context at hand rather than following a recipe. It’s about understanding the situation and applying principles rather than blindly replicating a pattern. No one cares about how cutting edge the technology is, they care that the solution solves the problem without bankrupting them.

So, to return to the question of whether I think microservices are “the next big thing”:

They shouldn’t be, but they might be. Shouldn’t, because a full-blown microservice architecture app, while perfectly appropriate for Netflix, isn’t likely to be appropriate for most in-house corporate applications. They won’t get a benefit because of the additional operational and development complexity. That being said, lots of inappropriate SOA initiatives sucked up a lot of money not that long ago – if software development had a mascot it would be an immortal lemming with amnesia.

The principles behind MSA, however, have some value IMHO. When a monolithic architecture begins to get in the way, those principles can provide some guidance on how to carve it up. The wonderful thing about SRP is its fractal nature, so you split out responsibilities at a level of granularity that’s appropriate for your application’s situation when it makes sense. There’s no rule that you have to carve up everything at once or that you have to slice it as thin as they do at Netflix.

That’s why my posts on the subject tend to sway back and forth. It’s not a recipe for the “right way” (as if there could be one right way) to design applications, it’s merely another set of ideas that, depending on the context, could help or hurt.

It’s not the technique itself that makes or breaks a design, it’s how applicable the technique is to problem at hand.

6 thoughts on “Are Microservices the Next Big Thing?

  1. Pingback: Institutional Amnesia, Cargo Cults and Software Development | Form Follows Function

  2. Pingback: Can you afford microservices? | Form Follows Function

  3. Happy to ear someone not blinded by all buzzwords around MSA.
    Technic has never solved any functional problems. And coupling between services is only a functional concern, no magic solution here.


    • Indeed. MSAs offer some real benefits, but you have to be in a position to afford the costs they bring with them. If you’re not, you could wind up making some pretty bad trade-offs that negate all the benefits.


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